
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Apple Picking!!!!

We've been apple picking today!!! It's been lots of fun!

Awesome autumn afternoon, and we got to do it in our own back yard!!! It doesn't get better than that...

Well, it does, because...

They might not be the prettiest, but the sure are good, tasty, pesticide free, totally organic... just like nature intended :)

Alex and I really enjoyed picking  the flowers too.... They are for sure the last ones of the season. Hopefully we get a beautiful fall, here in upstate NY it gets gorgeous!

This is it for now, gonna get baking... :P

So, soon to follow of course, an apple pie recipe and pictures too...

Sorry, you don't get to eat it!!! LOL.

Apples rule all the way, Right Alex???!!! :D

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